When is the best time to rent in Amherst?

We suggest that you begin looking in September for the upcoming year. 

Our current occupants begin showing their apartments for the upcoming year at that time. You can email us and we'll help you schedule an appointment.

How to Life- Lincoln Real Estate tips

Please visit our Youtube Playlist: How to Life, for answers about the application process, to home maintenance to driving in the snow. https://www.youtube.com/@LincolnRealEstateAmherst/playlists

When should I call in a maintenance request?

It's always best use our form below for a routine maintenance request.

However, if your concern is an emergency, please call our office immediately 24 hours a day at 413-253-7879.

Routine Maintenance?

Complete the maintenance form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

Maintenance Form

Please fill out all the details below and we will resolve your problem as soon as possible.